If you’ve ever asked yourself any of the questions below, you’re in the right place.
Where can l find unique ideas for my weekend projects?
Who can help me with the skills l need to do basic DIY around the home so l look like a Pro and SAVE MONEY as well?
Who can help me with the basic skills l need to start doing fun, weekend woodworking and upcycling projects?
Where can l find a like minded community where l can share my projects and talk to other creators about theirs?
Where can l find the Resources l need to Start my Projects off on the right foot?
About DIY For Knuckleheads:
G’day Folks, my name is Shane Conlan, also known as Uncle Knackers…l know, unorthodax name, but l’ve had it since high school and its kinda stuck. I’m a retired carpenter of 20 years who now runs this crazy thing called DIY For Knuckleheads where l produce Handy How To YouTube Videos and provide a Facebook Page where people from all over the world can showcase their projects and checkout other creators projects.
I primarily work with recycled materials and cater for the Beginner, hopefully providing you with the confidence proving that you can do this stuff.
Who is Shane Conlan, AKA Uncle Knackers
And How Does He Know About This Stuff?
I’m a family man to three boys, who has had over 20 years of experience as the owner of a busy carpentry business that renovated old houses….and l mean OLD Houses, with a healthy dose of property maintenance thrown in for good measure. On the side l was, and still am, really into building small projects using recycled materials which is where l am at the moment. A few years back l was thrown a couple of curve balls which resulted in me transitioning from my carpentry business and into the world of YouTube. To date, my videos have been viewed close to 14 million times with a Subscriber base currently sitting around the 93,000 mark and have been featured in a number of Media Outlets:
I’m Afraid of Power Tools and don’t know how to Start a Project.
Just relax…l know exactly how you feel. It can be a daunting experience for the uninitiated so what l plan to do here at DIY For Knuckleheads is to create an environment where you can start with baby steps, gradually building up your skills and confidence until you can handle a circular saw like a pro, find a wall stud with your hands tied behind your back and even make some simple furniture that you can sit back and proudly say “l did that”
So what do you say…are you ready to take the plunge and get your hands dirty?? If so, click here and let’s get started!